殺人鯨 English

2007-03-13 4:01 am
殺人鯨 English!

回答 (4)

2007-03-13 4:07 am
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殺人鯨(英文 Orca / Killer Whale),學名叫虎鯨 / 逆戟鯨 (Orcinus orca),好多人都誤會咗佢係唔係一種海豚,事實上佢係世界上最大,最孔武有力嘅海豚品種。因為獵食時兇殘,曾有咬人嘅記錄, 而且仲食好多海豹同海豚而得到殺人鯨呢個名。


2007-03-13 18:50:19 補充:
Orca/Killer Whale,a scientific name is Orcinus orca,many people disunderstand that it is not the dolphin species.it is dolphin and it is the most aggressive dolphin in the world.

2007-03-13 18:50:57 補充:
They are so called Killer whale because of their preying is so bloody as well as the attack of human records and feed on seals and the other dolphin.

2007-03-13 18:51:18 補充:
Actually,Killer Whales still do not involve the case of killing human. And the only one record of attacking water-skier which the killer whale let the water-skier escape as fact as possible
參考: 維基百科
2007-03-13 4:12 am
It's called KILLER WHALE
2007-03-13 4:05 am
殺人鯨 English:killer Whale
2007-03-13 4:04 am
Killer Whale.

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