好急! 請幫我paraphrase以下一段英文! 20分!

2007-03-13 3:42 am


不過其實都唔係好多架炸. 320個字.

paraphrase 即係用另一段意義相近但字面上唔同既英文寫過佢 唔係translate 同埋唔好用翻譯網頁唔該 連字面解釋都唔通順啦


唔該淨係答問題既答問題! 講無謂野既自己開blog!

回答 (2)

2007-03-14 12:12 am
✔ 最佳答案

The term ‘multiculturalism’ first appeared in the 1960s in order to replace the word “Biculturalism”. Before the 60s, French and English speaking people were the only ones addressed in Canada. Even though there are lots of people in Canada speaking other languages, the rights of the French and English-speaking were the main concern. This ideology has become the primary designator of Canadian society today, without it, we probably wouldn’t see so many different cultures flourish in our country.

Throughout the 1900s, the rights of Natives and non-English speakers were greatly ignored in Canada. Some minorities living in Canada weren’t getting paid the same amount and they were treated differently at work. Finally in 1967, the situation started to improve. Canada became the first country in the world that adopted an multicultural policy. This policy encourages equal rights in the Canadian Society and promotes social harmony. Furthermore, people from different nations of the world are allowed to keep their own nationalities rather than giving them up like in USA.

note: I merged the 3rd paragraph into the first one due the the face that it is a mere a repetition of the first two.
我自己改架, 希望可以幫倒你!!

2007-03-13 17:19:13 補充:
to 3rd user: 沒錯, 我只是重組了句子和剪, 大致上意思同原文相同但發問者只是要求我幫她/他 paraphrase, 並沒有要求我改變這篇文章的意思。
參考: ur text and MY OWN KNOWLEDGE!!!
2007-03-14 12:26 am
Even though the previous user did a very good version of the text. If this is for an assignment, it will count as plagiarism, you can get penalized. (Just a casual note)
參考: Teacher in UK

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