eng - wake, awake...

2007-03-13 2:56 am
我想問wake, awake
(sleep - asleep, enable - able........)
e d字有咩分別?

回答 (1)

2007-03-13 7:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Wake是動詞,解作:1. 醒來;醒著[(+up)] 2. 覺醒,覺悟3. 警覺,認識到[(+to)] 4. 變活躍,振奮5. 喚醒,弄醒[(+up)] 6. 使覺悟;激發,引起

I woke up at six this morning.今天早晨我六點鐘醒來。
Nature wakes in spring.春回大地,萬物復甦。
Please wake me up at 7:00.請於七點鐘叫醒我。

Wake 亦可以是名詞:解作1. 守夜;守靈[C] 2. (船的)尾波,航跡[C]

Awake 是動詞時解作:1. 喚醒,使醒過來2. 使覺醒;使意識到[(+to)] 3. 喚起,激起4. 醒來5. 覺醒;意識到[(+to)] 6. 被喚起,被激起

The thunder awoke me.雷聲把我驚醒了。
His father tried to awake him to a sense of duty.他父親試圖使他認識到自己的責任。
Nothing can awake her interest in this subject.什麼都無法激起她對這門學科的興趣。
He awoke from a sound sleep.他從酣睡中醒來。
We must awake to our responsibilities.我們一定要認識到自己的職責。
Old memories awoke in me when I saw the picture.我看到這張照片時件件往事湧上心頭

Awake亦可以是形容詞,解作:1. 醒著的;清醒的2. 認識到的,意識到的[(+to)] 3. 警惕的

He lay awake in his bed.他醒著躺在床上。
We are fully awake to the dangers of the situation.我們充分意識到局勢的危險。
They stayed awake in their struggle against terrorists.在與反恐怖分子的鬥爭中他們始終保持警惕。

此外,'Awake' 通常用作形容詞。但在文學作品中,亦會作動詞。不過,在日常生活中,如果用作動詞,就多數用wake了。例如,在文學作品中,可能會寫: "I awoke to the sound of music." 但在日常對話中,就會說, "I woke up to the sound of music' 。希望幫到你吧。

Enable 是動詞,解作:1. 使能夠;賦予...能力;2. 使成為可能

Training will enable you to find work培訓將使你找到工作。
The program will enable a large increase in student numbers.這一計劃能使學生人數大量增加

Able是形容詞,解作:1. 能,可,會;2. 有能力的;能幹的

I am afraid I won't be able to visit you on Saturday. 恐怕我無法在星期六來拜訪您了。
He is an able lawyer. 他是一位能幹的律師。

Sleep 是動詞:解作:1. 睡,睡覺2. 【婉】長眠,安息3. 靜止下來,保持寂靜4. 歇夜5. 發生性關係,與...上床[(+with)]

He was still sleeping when I went in.我走進去時他還在睡覺。
I slept very badly last night.昨天夜裡我睡得很不好。
The whole village was sleeping.整個村莊一片寂靜。

Sleep 亦可以是名詞:解作:1. 睡(覺) 2. 用睡眠消除,以睡眠度過[(+off/away)] 3. 可供...(人)住宿

She hoped to sleep off her headache.她希望睡一覺後頭痛會好。

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