香港居民持英國公民護照可否入境中國? 急!!!

2007-03-13 1:05 am
本人有急事到上海公幹但未申請回鄉證, 但同事SUGGEST用PASSPORT都得~但問做旅行社工作人員則稱無回鄉證不能去中國###

我不是BNO的一種, 但不用中國簽證嗎?

回答 (3)

2007-03-13 8:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, it depends on a lot of things. If your name (a Chinese name) and place of birth (Hong Kong) give out that you are Chinese from HK, then surely NO.

Because China does not recognise dual nationality. You are not allowed to use that foreign passport to enter China. Hong Kong to Shanghai is considered as domestic travel (with restrictions). China won't recognise your British passport either (They consider you as Chinese citizen), so you must use anything (回鄉證) but an international travel document (Passport). That is why HK-er is not allow to use HKSAR Passport to go to Shenzhen.

Both full British Passport and BNO reuires travel visa to enter China. No On Arrival Visa and Visa Waiver for British unfortunately.

The safest way for you is to hold a 回鄉證 to go to Shanghai, avoiding the possibility of refused entry.
2007-03-13 1:57 am
如果你的英國護照是 "正牌" , 不是 BNO, 是可以用來進入中國
正如你所說, 需要申請 VISA. 你去尖沙咀北京道的中旅社, 放低 PASSPORT 叫佢地幫你做 VISA 就可以了
2007-03-13 1:33 am
如果你真係有居英權佢種就可以, 但係BNO, No way....

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