Derivation of energy stored in an inductor

2007-03-12 9:24 pm
Please briefly describe it THx

回答 (2)

2007-03-12 10:22 pm
參考: My Physics knowledge
2007-03-12 10:14 pm
method 1
Energy story in an inductor = ∫ p dt
= ∫ i(L)(di/dt)dt (由0積到i)
= L∫ i di
=L [ i^2/2] (由0到i)
=L [i^2/2]=1/2(L)(i^2)
method 2
use the graph to derive
the slope of the graph= inductance L
the physical meaning of the graph is the energy stored,
so the energy stored in an inductor = the area under the curve=[(NФ)i]/2
=1/2[(Li)i] (Li=NФ)


2007-03-12 14:19:52 補充:
method 1Energy story in an inductor = ∫ p dt= ∫ i(L)(di/dt)dt (由0積到i) (energy=power x time)= L∫ i di=L [ i^2/2] (由0到i)=L [i^2/2]=1/2(L)(i^2)如果係AL,用METHOD2就得
參考: 老師教的

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