
2007-03-12 7:54 pm
I learning English every day, because I need to improve my English, I hope do my best, so I go to bookshop bought some about English grammar to read. I worked to center have about 3 month. I have to grow up more. Though my English have many wrong but I have not given up. Because I believe have not thing are cannot. SO I need your support.


回答 (4)

2007-03-12 8:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.動詞用錯左 (I have been learning/ I am learning/I HAVE NOT GIVE up)
have been = 一直 (以前到而家)
i am learning= 我正在學...(係而家做緊既野, o係任何有-ing尾既動詞, 之前一定要有am, are, is----呢個就視乎個tense)
i have not give up = o你任何動詞後面一定係noun


3.唔記得擺TO, AND, A, THE...(I hope TO do...+I go to THE bookshop AND...)

4.有o的sentence寫得唔清楚, (e.g. I worked to center have about 3 months = 你o係某一間公司做過野? + I have to grow up more = 你想有多o的進步?) 如果係後者的話, 你唔需要再重複一次因為你之前已經mention過.

5.o係動詞之後係要用noun (e.g. my English have many ERRORS而唔係用WRONG)

6. cannot = 唔可以/不能 (所以如果你係想講無野係無可能就要用impossible, 即係I believe nothing is impossible)

呢個係我寫既version, 你可以參考一下:
I have been learning English in order to make an improvement, therefore, i tried to get some books out from the book shop especially those related with grammar.
Later on, I have made an improvement through working for a centre about 3 months. Although my english is not good enough but I am trying to do my best because I believe nothing is impossible.
Therefore, I need your support.

p.s. 因為有兩句我唔係好明你既意思...所以我只好估估下

參考: n/a
2007-03-12 10:14 pm
Are you in Hong Kong?* You can try JoJo's suggestion, but I think that will only help your reading and writing skills.
So I want to recommend `Seasame Street' to you, you might think this is only for children, actually it's not. I always recommend` IT ' to my students. In the program, they all speak proper English. You will not only build up your listening and speaking skills, you will also built up your spelling (vocabulary) skill.

*The reason I asked because I don't know whether you have this TV program in Hong Kong or not.

I've made a few changes to your sentences:

I learning English every day, because I need to improve my English,
I study English everyday, because I want to improve my English.

I hope do my best, so I go to bookshop bought some about English grammar to read.
I want to do my best, so I (went to book stores and)這句可以不 要 bought some English grammar books.

I worked to center have about 3 month. I have to grow up more. 唔係好明你這二句既意思,所以:
I spent 3 months and worked only halfway through the book. I need to speed up more.
If 誤 解錯 你的意思 sorry.

Though my English have many wrong but I have not given up.
Though I made lots of/many mistakes, but I never give up.

Because I believe have not thing are cannot.
Because I believe in nothing is impossible.

SO I need your support.
So I need your assistance.

Keep up the good work, I like your attitude.
2007-03-12 8:31 pm
I learn English everyday, because i want to improve my English.
"everyday 是指每日, 跟 every day 是有少許出入"
" need to 是需要, want to 是想/希望, 我見意這裡用 want to"

I hope do my best
"I will try my best" is better, 但不宜於這裡寫

I went to bookshop and bought some English grammar books.
"已過去了, 所以用過去式. 用some English grammar books 會直接些。

I worked in the tutorial centre for about 3 months. I have grown up a lot.
" I worked to center " 不太明白這句, 我猜是於補習社 (tutorial centre) 工作
"center" spelling mistake - centre
3 month 要加 "s"
have 之後要用 perfect tense. 我亦見意用 i become mature.

Though my English have many mistakes, I did not give up.
錯誤- 用 mistakes比較好
避免同時用 although/though 和 but. 同樣避免同時用 because 和 so.

I believe nothing cannot be succeeded. I will try my best, but I also need your support.
"have not thing are cannot" 我想你是指無事是不可能的
我見意 "I will try my best" 用於這裡會較好
2007-03-12 8:08 pm

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