
2007-03-12 5:20 pm
我想讀翻譯..不過唔知去city u讀好定去中大好
我05年考ce ge..但係英文(syl. a)得個d..
我係咪應該要讀pre-asso先??邊間ge pre-asso會好d?


如果可以的話詳盡dd...thz a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (3)

2007-03-12 7:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案

如果讀AD或者pre-AD,個人建議修讀一些比較general 的科目,讓你可以從學習中更清楚自己喜歡甚麼科目,昇學時再行深造該專門學科比較實際。而且,先在現階段修讀比較廣的科目,對個人學習成長和將來找工作都有較大好處。


2007-03-13 12:52 am
you can try HKU SPACE

AH 30-105-00 (62)
Certificate in Language and Translation

Enquiry 查詢: 2975 5879
Fax 傳真: 2858 3404
Email 電郵: [email protected]

Course Start Date 開課日期: 27 Mar 2007


Good translation skills are no longer viewed as something that only translators need, but an essential attribute that will enhance an individual's career prospects. This programme recognises the need for better translation skills in Hong Kong. It has 3 parts:

Part 1: AH 30-105-00 Certificate in Language and Translation, 108 hours
Part 2: AH 30-106-00 Advanced Certificate in Translation Studies, 144 hours
Part 3: AH 30-107-00 Diploma in Translation Studies, 168 hours
The course covers:

Chinese Writing Skills

English Writing Skills

General Linguistics for Translators

Basic Skills in English - Chinese Translation

Basic Skills in Chinese - English Translation
Assessment is based on coursework and attendance.

Entry Requirements
Applicants should

have 5 passes in the HKCEE, with at least Grade D in both English (Syllabus B) and Chinese.

Room 201, Causeway Centre, Wanchai

Day(s) / Time
Tuesdays and Fridays, 6:40 - 9:40 pm starting 27 March 2007


Course Fee: $9,700
Application Fee: $150, non-refundable

Medium of Instruction
Cantonese / English

Information and Application
Detailed information and an application form are available:

in person, at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centre.
by post, from Translation Section, 9/F, TT Tsui Building, HKU, Pokulam Road, HK. Please send a self-addressed envelope with a $1.40 stamp, specifying the name of this programme.

Closing Date for Application
10 March 2007
2007-03-12 6:44 pm
Programme Aims

This programme aims to enable students to translate appropriately and creatively between Chinese and English texts (general, commercial, technical, literary). Familiarization in sight translation and consecutive interpretation also forms part of the programme.

Career Prospects

Good opportunities for employment exist in the private and public sectors.
In the private sector, translation skills find ready application at various levels from secretarial to managerial. Fields such as trade, tourism, the legal profession, the media (subtitle translators), advertising, journalism (reporters), publishing, and public relations all recruit our graduates.
The SAR Government also, from time to time, recruits translation and interpretation graduates of the programme to fill posts in the civil service as Chinese Language Officers, court interpreters, police translators, and liaison officers.
Programme Entrance Requirements

Programme Specific Entrance Requirement
Full-time Mode of Study

E in 1 HKALE subject or E in 2 HKALE AS subjects and E in 6 HKCEE subjects
Part-time Mode of Study

Hold a recognised diploma
English Language Requirement - satisfy one of the following:

D in HKALE AS Use of English
C in HKCEE English Language (Syl B)
Chinese Language/Alternative Language Requirement - satisfy one of the following:

C in HKALE AS Chinese Language and Culture
C in HKCEE Chinese Language
Applicants of part-time mode be invited to take a 3-hour entry examination and/or interview.

Main Subject Areas

Core Courses

General, technical, commercial and literary translation
Sight translation and consecutive interpretation
English language enhancement and structure of English
Chinese language consolidation and structure of Modern Chinese
Discourse analysis
Critical reading
Elective Courses

Japanese communication skills
Cultural and literary studies (Chinese, European, North American)
Professional image building
Sociology of popular culture
China studies
Information systems
Decision Making
Desktop Publishing
Credit Transfer and Exemptions

Under the credit unit system you may apply for a transfer of credit units from qualifications you already hold (e.g., a qualification in Putonghua). This will exempt you from taking a required course in that subject.

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