移民三藩市 - Rent for house 最好close to 唐人街, please help !

2007-03-12 10:05 am
本人一家5月尾移民三藩市, looking for house 有冇好介紹最好close to 唐人街, 1-2 bedrooms, butget mothly rent US$ 600-1000. If yes, please send info. to my email below.


回答 (2)

2007-03-14 10:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
one of the best source is to go to craigslist. it's a san francisco based classified site.

2007-03-15 1:58 pm
click on 分類廣告
click on 招租
then choice the area you like.. ( most of them are not list the price, so you need to call them)
p.s. you may try 日落區 or 列治文, many chinese living in those area too ( chinatown is not a good place to live.. too dirty)
參考: I live in San Francisco

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