
2007-03-12 7:57 am
我而家讀緊酒店文憑, 今年6月就完啦, 英文有中五程度,想搵份酒店工做住先, 又想一路做, 一路再進修。
聽人講有遙距課程, 但5知道我自己應該讀d咩好, 有見過ive果d degree課程5受認可既報道...而家5知點搵好?想問下大家有冇提議, 最好講埋邊度,幾錢, 同課程名, 5該幫幫手!!

回答 (3)

2007-03-12 5:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-03-13 12:26 am
why not try HKU SPACE top-up degree course

MS 61-801-00 (63)
Bachelor of Arts in Hotel and Hospitality Management

University of Strathclyde, UK

Enquiry 查詢: 2867 8329
Fax 傳真: 2861 0278
Email 電郵: joanne.ho@hkuspace.hku.hk

Course Start Date 開課日期: 07 May 2007


We offer this top-up degree programme with The Scottish Hotel School, University of Strathclyde. Successful participants can progress to the Honours year offered at The University of Strathclyde, or to the Postgraduate Diploma or the MSc in International Management that are currently being planned.
There are 8 modules, each with 9 weeks of study:

Term 1

Service Operations Management I

Human Resources Management for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Term 2

Service Operations Management II

Transport for Tourism

Term 3

Financial Accounting

Tourism Promotion

Term 4

Hotel Operational Overview

Management Seminar
Assessment is based on coursework (40%) and final examination (60%). Service Operations Management II and Management Seminar involve 100% continuous assessment.

Entry Requirements
Applicants should

either, have the HKU SPACE Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management with a 'Good Pass' or above;
or, have an equivalent three-year Higher Diploma in Hospitality Management or three-year Diploma in Hospitality Management award granted by a recognised institution.
have a satisfactory academic letter of reference (the academic reference form is available for download from this webpage under the 'Application Form' icon at the top).
*Special application and enrolment forms for this programme are available at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centre, or you may download the forms from this website. Late applications may be considered at our discretion. Students can enter the programme at the start of any term.

To be advised

Day(s) / Time
Starting 7 May 2007 for May 07 Term

18 months (minimum) to 36 months (maximum).


Course Fee: $6,800 per module. (Please pay by cheque or credit card upon application)
Application Fee: $150, non-refundable

Medium of Instruction

Information and Application
Detailed information and an application form are available:

in person, at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centre.
by phone, at 2867 8329
by post, Ms. Joanne Ho, 34/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong. Please send a self-addressed envelope with a $1.40 stamp, specifying the name of this programme.
by e-mail, at joanne.ho@hkuspace.hku.hk

Closing Date for Application
30 March 2007 for May 07 Term
2007-03-12 9:22 am
Quality of distance learning ususally is very poor and the price is very high; my friends and I have similar experiences in Arts and Science.

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