
2007-03-12 6:26 am

A. wait + to-inf
B. come + to-inf
C. It is a silly mistake + to-inf
D. It is a good thing + to-inf
E. is proud of + noun/gerund


回答 (2)

2007-03-12 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A. I can't wait to see the newest movie on screen!
Sorry, madam, you have to wait to see Miss Kitchell.
Don't wait to be rescued!
I cannot bear the long wait to get on the roller-coaster.
I just can't wait to be the Queen of England!
I have to wait to cross the bridge.
I will wait to decide if I want to buy this skirt.

C. It is a silly mistake to trust someone you do not know.
It is a silly mistake to eat food bought from the hawkers.
It is a silly mistake to avoid me.
It is a silly mistake to fall in love with Tom.
It is a silly mistake to dress like this in the cold weather.
It is a silly mistake to leave your money with Jack.

D. It is a good thing to the truth.
It is a good thing to keep a diary.
It is a good thing to keep your mouth shut if you con't say anthing constructive.
It is a good thing to quit acting like a fool.
It is a good thing to be rich.
It is a good thing to obey to your parents.

E. She is proud of you.
She is proud of her beauty.
He is proud of his girlfriend.
She is proud of her accomplishments.
She is proud of her intelligence.
參考: me, and google
2007-03-13 2:07 am
1. I'll have to wait to decide if I would stay in Hong Kong for the summer.
2. I can't wait to read the new Harry Potter novel.
3. If the hype says this movie is so good, then why wait to see it?
4. Let's wait to read the notice that's going to be posted up after school.
5. Don't wait to save the whales any longer!
6. Please wait to take away my plate until I've finished eating.
7. She will not wait to be saved, because she will save herself first.
8. I was very lonely for the 2 months I had to wait to get back to school.
9. I can hardly wait for the arrival of my cousin from Australia.
10. A group of sheep wait to be shorn in a farm.

1. Reporters from all over the world have come to see the birth of her baby.
2. She had come to regret the decision of buying that shirt.
3. He had come to live with his grandmother this month.
4. How had Alice come to represent the Science and Astronomy club?
5. I've come to believe that each of us is special.
6. Ladies and gentlemen, I come to stand before you today, so that you can all see the truth for yourselves .
7. They had come to video the making of the movie "Mission Impossible".
8. Sharks don't come to fight for food with other fish, unless they smell blood.
9. They had only come to see the new pool.
10. Can everything come to be without a specific cause?

1. It is a silly mistake to forget about punctuation in dictations.
2. It is a silly mistake to disclose secrets to those you do not trust.
3. It is a silly mistake to get pregnant before marriage.
4. It is a silly mistake to calculate an easy math problem like "one plus one" incorrectly.
5. It is a silly mistake to dismiss useful ideas as too superficial in discussions.
6. It is a silly mistake to forget about bringing lunch to school.
7. It is a silly mistake to believe in everything you hear.
8. It is a silly mistake to be tricked by a con artist about something you know is impossible, like burying gold and hoping to get a golden plant in return.
9. It is a silly mistake to judge a book by its cover.
10. It is a silly mistake to let anger blind us and say hurtful things to people you care about.

1. It is a good thing to be optimistic and say positive things to yourself.
2. It is a good thing to be thankful to our parents for providing us with all we need.
3. It is a good thing to stop eating junk food so frequently.
4. It is a good thing to ask questions about what you don't understand in class.
5. It is a good thing to share you opinions with other people.
6. It is a good thing to greet your teachers when you see them.
7. It is a good thing to hand in all your homework on time.
8. It is a good thing to listen attnetively in class.
9. It is a good thing to sleep for at least eight hours every day.
10. It is a good thing to refrain from buying unnecessary things.

1. She is proud of the achievements of her daughter over the past ten years.
2. He is proud of being the fastest runner in his class.
3. She is proud of her mobile phone, which is the latest model by Sony Ericsson.
4. He is proud of representing Hong Kong in the Olympic Games.
5. She is proud of winning a Grammy award this year.
6. He is proud of the raise in salary he got because of his excellent performance this year.
7. She is proud of having a famous lawyer as her mother.
8. He is proud of baking the best pie he had in years.
9. She is proud of being hired at last after three years of unemployment.
10. He is proud of his faith in God and his trust in God's guidance.
參考: me

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