点樣用excel 揾 internal rate of return (IRR)??

2007-03-12 5:56 am
A invest $340,000 at discount rate of 9.5%
it generates cash flow of $80000, $120000, $140000, and $70000 in year 1,2,3 and 4 respectively
what is the IRR?

同埋点用 excel 去揾?

回答 (2)

2007-03-12 5:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
IRR = 7.94%
-340000+80000/(1+IRR )+120000/(1+IRR)^2+140000/(1+IRR)^3+70000/(1+IRR)^4=0
用EXCEL去計, 方法是先將-340,000, 80000, 120000, 140000, 70000 分別輸入5個相連的格. 然後用=IRR(VALUES) 就可以計出答案. VALUES 就係呢5個數字的ARRAY.

2007-03-12 13:29:25 補充:
講清楚點, 你把那5個數字分別填在A1至A5的5個格內, 然後你在其他格仔輸入 =IRR(A1:A5), 咁就會自動算出個答案. 唔明再問.
2007-03-12 11:07 am
Solve the equation:


* expected return/breakeven return (still good enough to cover coc, ie get zero NPV, even if coc is as high as IRR)
* breakeven point:IRR>cost of capital: rise value;

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