
2007-03-12 5:48 am

回答 (5)

2007-03-12 5:53 am
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Lazy dog
愛因斯坦年青時,在入讀的大學裏經常"走堂",反而埋首在他愛看的書中,他的其中一個老師曾經罵他"lazy dog".
參考: TIME -- GREAT PEOPLE of the 20th Century
2007-03-12 6:35 pm
Lazy bone is the most common word to say. Of course you can say Lazy pig or just Lazy.
It is a Lazy pig
2007-03-12 5:59 am
Only say LAZY is OK
參考: F.D
2007-03-12 5:49 am
Lazy Pig

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