
2007-03-12 5:35 am
I have been France when I was very small.It’s a famous place over the world.

First of all, Eiffel Tower, which I like the most spot. It’s also a symbol of France and Paris. Its height is 324m. Tourist can go ups there and appreciate the beautiful scenery. Many lovers would like to go there since the atmosphere in the there is very romantic.

I think I just have very little memory of France. I know there from photos and some programme. But I also treat it as a dream city of mine.

回答 (4)

2007-03-12 6:58 am
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I had been to France when I was a kid. France is a very famous place over the world.

First of all, my most favourate spot, the Eiffel Tower. Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris as well as it's country. The tower is approximately / around 324m tall. Pubic access is available for tourists to experience the breath-taking view over Paris. It's romantic atmosphere had made the Eiffel Tower, one of the most popular spots for lovers in Paris.

I don't have much memories left for France now, they are mostly from photos and information on programmes. However, I still reckon / see Paris as my dream city.

Presentation 的講辭, 最理想是順口,讀起來流暢,發音亦很重要. 特別在比較重要的字眼上. 情況許可下, 可提高聲線少許, 或在其前或後加入短暫停頓. 句子要短, 多加入主題keywords, 令發夢中的audiences都明白你的題目.Tenses - Past tense, present tense, present continuious tense 等, 要清晰. 否則audiences 弄不清你在說什麼. 至於, 文章的句子結構, 則不用太著意. 用字亦可較口語化.

保持笑容, 鎮定. 節奏可慢一點. 可以的話, 加入一些圖畫, 當你忙於換圖片時, 很容易能忘記緊張的情緒.若因太緊張, miss out some points, 不用慌亂, 繼續. 然後再道歉補充. Presentation 最重要是令audiences 覺得你有說服力. 一個有功力的講者, 可以將內容沉悶的題材表現得比看連續劇更精彩!!!!

Good Luck!

個人心得, 希望能幫到你!!
參考: myself
2007-03-12 6:19 am
I have been to France when I was very young. It is a famous place internationally.

First of all, Eiffel Tower, which is my favourite spot. It is also a symbol of France. Its heigh is 324 meters. Tourists can go up to the top and enjoy the beautiful view. Many lovers enjoy going there due to the romantic atmosphere.
I only have very vague memories of France. I recall the place from photos and programmes, but I still believe France is a dream city of mine!
參考: myself
2007-03-12 6:00 am

i have been to france when i was very small. it's one of the famous place in the world.
first of all, the eiffel tower, which is the spot i like most. it's a symbol of paris in france. its height is 324m. toruists can go up there to enjoy the beautiful view. many lovers like to go there since the atmosphere there is very romantic.
i think i just have very little memory about france. i know there from the photos and programmes but i still treat it as the dream city of mine.

譯得唔好..唔好意思呀>v<|| 你可以揀其他人既回答架~

2007-03-11 22:01:46 補充:
打錯字..應該係 tourists
2007-03-12 6:00 am
I have been France when I was very small.It’s a famous place over the world.

I think I just have very little memory of France. I know there from photos and some programme. But I also treat it as a dream city of mine.
參考: me

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