可吾可以教我一d reportor speech牙~

2007-03-12 5:15 am

回答 (1)

2007-03-12 11:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
* We use direct speech when we give the exact words that someone said. We usually use the verb say and the words are put in quotation marks.

We use reported speech when we repeat the meaning of what someone said, not the exact words. We usually use the verb *say"and *tell, without quotation marks. We use *tell when there is an indirect object (person) and *say when there is no direct object.
*The word *that is optional.
e.g. She said (that) she had left her bag on the train.

*We make the following changes in the tenses of the verbs:
(DS: direct speech; RS: reported speech)
1- Present Simple(DS)-->Past simple(RS)
He said," I work at a bank." --> He said that he worked at a bank.
2- Present progressive(DS)-->Past progressive(RS)
"I'm learning Spanish," she said. --> She said that she was learning Spanish.
3- Past simple(DS)-->Past Perfect(RS)
He said, "Tony left." --> He said that Tony had left.
4- Present perfect(DS)-->Past perfect(RS)
"I've missed the train," Ted said. --> Ted said that he had missed the train.
5- Present perfect progressive(DS)-->Past perfect progressive(RS)
He said, "I've been working for ten hours." --> He said that he had been working for ten hours.
6- Will(DS)-->Would(RS)
Shelia said, "I'll be back soon." --> Shelia said that she would be back soon.
7- Can(DS)-->Could(RS)
"I can type well, she said. --> She said that she could type well.
8- May(DS)-->Might(RS)
"I may go on holiday," he said. --> "He said that he might go on holiday.
9- Must(DS)-->Had to/Must(RS)
Betty said, "I must buy a new car." --> Betty said that she had to buy a new car.

*Time expressions also change in reported speech.
now --> then
today --> that day
yesterday --> the previous day
tomorrow --> the following day
last week --> the previous week
next week --> the following week
ago --> before

* Pronouns and Progressive adjectives change according to the context.
e.g. "I paid my bills last month," he said.
--> He said that he had paid all his bills the previous month.
*There are no changges in reported speech when the reportingg verb is in a present, future or present perfect tense, also whenthe sentence expresses a general truth or something that is unlikelt to change.
e.g. "I'll go to New York when I'm sixteen," she says.
--> She says that she'll go to New York when she's sixteen.
e.g. "the sun sets in the west," she said.
--> She said the sun sets in the west.
e.g. "I prefer history to maths," she said.
--> she said that she prefers history to maths.
* The past perfect never changes in reported speech. The past progressive does not usually change. The past simple changes into past perfect in formal speech. In formal speecg it can change or remain the same.
* Conditional sentences types 2, 3 and *wishes do not change in reported speech.
*In questions, in order to report questions we use the verbs *ask*, *wonder* and *want to know* as reporting verbs.Reported questions follow the word order of affirmative sentences: the subject is placed before the verb and we don't use the auxliiaries *do,*does,*did and the question mark. If the direct question starts with a question word, the reported question also starts with the same question word.If the direct question does not start with a question word, the reportes question starts with *if/ *whether.
*For commands - requests, we use the verbs *tell, *ask, *beg, *order etc. to reported commands, requests, suggestions, warnings or advice. These verbs are followed bt a full infinitive (affirmative) or not +full infinitive (negative).

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