
2007-03-12 4:20 am
我想要一d英文既食譜...千其千其唔好長 and我希望有幾個choice 唔該!

唔好意思...加多樣要求 中英對照 不過唔得都冇所謂

回答 (2)

2007-03-12 8:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Creme Brulee
150g Egg
280g Egg yolks
130g Sugar
500g Fresh cream
500 ml milk
1 stalk vanilla stick (remove the seed)

(1) Beaten the egg & egg yolk.
(2) Boil the fresh cream & milk. Then, add in the vanilla stick & cook for a while.Then, add in ingredient (1) & sugar. Mix well & pour it into the bowl. Place the bowl onto the oven tray with hot water underneath & bake at 150oC for 45 mins. Cool down & fringe.
(3) Sprinkle with sugar on top of the creme burlee. Use the Bunsen burner to makeit golden. Ready to serve.


Spiced Salt Beancurd

Ingredients : 2 Hard beancurd
1/2 tsp spiced salt

Batter : 3 oz water
2 oz self raising flour
Some spring onion & red chilli

Method :
(1) Cut the hard beancurd into pieces & marinade with spiced salt.
(2) Mix the batter ingredients. Coat the beancurd with batter. Then, deep-fry the beancurd in hot oil until golden.

中文: http://www.joycekitchen.com/vegetable/chinese-recipe/veg-bc3.htm

Fried Rice in Western Style

Ingredients : 50g Shrimp
2 bowl rice
1 Egg
2 tbsp green pea
1 tbsp tomato paste
50g ham (dices)
2 tbsp sweet corn
1/4 Onion (diced)
1 Tomato (diced)

Seasonings : Some salt & a pinch of pepper

Method :
(1) Rinse the shrimp. Add marinate with seasonings. Poach the green pea. Drain.
(2) Bring the oil to boil. Saute the onion, tomato, sweet corn, ham & green pea.
(3) Beat the egg. Fry the rice with egg. Then, add in tomato paste & the ingredient (2).

中文: http://www.joycekitchen.com/pasta/western-recipe/pasta-wr53.htm

Milk Curd w/Ginger Juice

Ingredients : 1 bottle of milk
1 tbsp ginger juice
1/4 tsp white vinegar
Some sugar

Method : (1) Mix ginger juice with white vinegar. Put it into a deep bowl.
(2) Put fresh milk and sugar into a pot and boil over mild heat until just boiling and the sugar has melted.
(3) Pour the milk into the above ginger juice and cover with a plate to bake for 4-5 minutes until set. Serve hot.
中文: http://www.joycekitchen.com/dessert/chinese-recipe/ch-54.htm

Mushroom w/Light Cream Soup

Ingredients : 250g White mushrooms (sliced & reserve 50g)
500 ml stock
1 tbsp onion (dices)
1 tbsp olive oil
50 ml fresh cream

Methods : (1) Bring the olive oil to boil. Then, saute the onion & add in mushroom.
Then, pour in stock & fresh cream & boil to the boiling point. Cool down. Blend the mushroom into paste.
(2) Pour the mushrooms paste into the pan & boil. Then, add the sliced mushroom & boil for a while.
中文: http://www.joycekitchen.com/soup/western-recipe/soup-w56.htm
2007-03-12 4:34 am
Mother’s Fruit Cake

3-4 eggs (200g)
same weight of butter (200g)
same weight of dark brown sugar (200g)
300g brown flour
300g dried fruit (e.g. raisins, sultanas, and others if available) 1
tsp mixed spice
2 tsp baking powder (or use self raising flour) Mix butter with sugar
(let butter warm up a bit first) Mix in eggs
When smooth, add in flour and baking powder
Add dried fruit and mix

Bake in very low oven (130 degrees on mine, with fan) for 4 hours

---or another similar recipe:
Patagonia Black Cake
Cacen de Patagonia

275g butter
275g dark brown sugar
4 eggs
450g plain flour
1 tsp cinnamon and mixed spice
125g each of raisins, currants, sultanas, chopped almonds
225g mixed peel
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda mixed into 1 tbsp vinegar and 1 tbsp water
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp almond essence
small glass of rum

Grease and line 8 inch cake tin
Cream butter and sugar
Add lightly whisked eggs bit by bit, and beat well
Fold in flour and spices, fruit and nuts
Pour in liquid raising agent, add baking powder and almond essence
Mix thoroughly
Stir in rum
Bake on middle shelf at gas mark 3, 170º C for 3-3½ hours. ---

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