
2007-03-12 2:08 am


回答 (1)

2007-03-12 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
「城門失火, 禍及池魚」
The innocents unfortunately falling victim to somebody else's wrongdoing.
Innocent victims suffer as a result of others' misdeeds.
innocents (noun)= 無辜者、無罪的人;fall victim to (idiom) = to suffer, to be injured, damaged or killed because of something bad 成為犧牲品
innocent victims = 無辜的受害者;misdeeds = 錯誤行為、罪行

2007-03-11 20:35:36 補充:
「歇後語」是 a two-part allegorical saying ( allegorical 是 adjective, 來自名詞 allegory, allegory 是寓言、諷喻 )“成吉思汗打仔” 歇後語的英文是 to sweat all over 或 to sweat like a pig ( 汗流浹背)“太公分豬肉” --- 人人有份:everybody gets a share“床下底劈柴” --- 撞板/ 碰壁:screw up (phrasal verb) ( 犯錯、做蠢事)

2007-03-12 19:53:34 補充:
“水瓜打狗” --- 唔見咁截:a reduction in profits 或 a substantial decrease in earnings“陸文庭睇相” --- 唔衰攞嚟衰:you/he/they asked for it ( ask for something是 phrasal verb, 自找麻煩的意思)“南無佬跌落糞坑” --- 冇曬符:between the devil and the deep blue sea ( 這是Engish idiom, 進退兩難的意思)“神仙放屁” --- 不同凡響: extraordinary, out of the common

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