
2007-03-11 11:21 pm

(這篇報章內容是講述Joseph Tong向我們分享公開考試私題目-角色扮演,而且告訴我們當別人不說話的時候,我們應該怎樣做,才能得到更高的分數。



回答 (2)

2007-03-12 6:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In this report, Mr. Joseph Tong shares with us some ideas about the role play session in public examination. He speaks of how we should respond when others remain silent in order to attain a better grade.
The report has helped me better understand how things will go in the oral examination, as well as how to prepare myselft in order to do well. I hope other students will also find it useful.

原文有點冗贅重複, 所以英文寫得簡單一些.
2007-03-12 12:16 am
(This newspapers content is narrates Joseph Tong to share to us takes a test publicly the private topic - role acting, moreover tells us when others do not speak, how should we do, can obtain a higher score.
 I thought this content is helpful me to understand thoroughly the speech test the content, the strategy and the skill and so on, deal with to me take a test my time then can be handy, twice the result with half the effort. I hoped other schoolmates also read this newspapers the importance.)

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