
2007-03-11 9:08 pm

回答 (4)

2007-03-11 9:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實巴黎最佳的旅遊時間是 5 月. 在法國, 人們有句說話 "Le mai, fair ce que vous plaisir" 即係話在 5 月份時, 做你想做的事吧. 意思是天氣好, 人們心情舒暢
5 月份巴黎徘徊於 15 - 25 度左右, 不熱不冷. 雨水不多. 而且又不是旅遊旺季, 日照時間充足, 十分適合旅遊.
其次便是 9 至 10 月, 和 5 月一樣, 不熱不冷. 雨水不多. 而且又不是旅遊旺季, 日照時間充足, 但因開始入秋, 街上有點蕭瑟. 樹木甚至一夜全落葉的
6 - 8 月不是不好, 但因為是旅遊旺季, 所以酒店, 機票的價錢會貴, 而且常滿呢
參考: living in Paris for a year before + travel experience
2007-03-11 9:35 pm
I would suggest you go there in Autumn, why?
In 2003 i went to Paris( SUMMER) , if you still can remember, during that time in Paris the temperature rised up to 40 degree celsius, is the hottest temperature in the last 100 years, during that time lots of people died.

Paris transportations are very expensive, just like Subway each trip is 1 euro, bus also very expensive, but taxi is the most expensive. But the worst is in paris, the bus, subway they dont have Air conditioner!!!! When i took the bus , because the bus is no air con, so they just open the window, however although the bus have plenty of seats, i dont want to sit because the seat are crazy hot, and the handrils are metal, so they also very hot,i think you wont like hot weather isn't it? So i wont suggest you go to Paris in summer. But if you still want to go to In summer, is not a big deal. Yes , maybe the air tickets are expensive, but you can book it before you travel. Air France they have promotions right now, each person is like $4280. So you can book it now. Hotel just depends on what area. When i went to Paris, i lived in Holiday Inn Express, per night was $880 ( include breakfast) , also is pretty convenient, there is a subway station next to the hotel.

However Autumn is much more better , the temperature is around 15-20 degrees celsius( some times may be over) , but is pretty cool. So when you travel on the bus, subway, you will feel much more better.

In the other hand, i suggest you go to learn some french before you go, because not to many people can speak english. When i just took the subway and buy the ticket, the seller can not speak english, so what he can do is guessing. So in this case you should know

1) Je voudrais achter ........( I would like to have ......) achter pronunciation= arsh day
when you know how to speak , will be very convenient.

p.s Air France promotion will be finished on March 25, so if you want to go, please book it immediately, if not will be expensive

參考: Travel experience, Air france , my stupid opinions
2007-03-11 9:14 pm
6-9月中去, 天氣未轉寒, 幾舒服添.
我試過9月尾到, 當地人已穿皮外套
如果是旅行, 當然選天氣好, 行李又可以輕便些的日子啦.
2007-03-11 9:13 pm

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