what is the meaning of "as a matter of fact

2007-03-11 9:01 pm
I want the english meaning

回答 (3)

2007-03-11 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
as a matter of fact = in reality; actually; in fact:
As a matter of fact, there is no substance to that rumor.
2007-03-11 9:29 pm
有人答"as a matter of fact" = "in fact". 嚴謹一點來說, "as a matter of fact" 同 "in fact" 用法有些少不同.

"as a matter of fact": (spoken) used when you're answering someone and telling them what you really think or what the real situation is.

"in fact": used to say what is the real truth of a situation is, esp. when this is different from what people think or say it is.
參考: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
2007-03-11 9:18 pm
"as a matter of fact" 即係實際上嘅意思。
參考: 自己

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