
2007-03-11 8:50 pm

回答 (2)

2007-03-12 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
All sorts of flowers make the dried mushroom
· Material
· All sorts of flowers glue
· Medium-sized dried mushroom -10
· Glutomate -Make the dried mushroom to use
Seasoning -The juice of the Gorgon euryale is used: Soak mushroom water , glutomate 1 little spoon , oyster sauce 1 little spoon , sesame oil 1 little spoon , candy 1 little spoon , a little pepper powder
1. Cooking

Half a glass of water macerates the dried mushroom, go the base of a fruit, is it soak the mushroom ink to stay.
The universe moisture content that the dried mushroom is crowded, the mushroom attacks a little glutomate at bottom, make into all sorts of flowers glue .
The mushroom faces upward, steam for ten minutes of dried mushroom through water.
At the same time, the fire, cooks the hot Gorgon euryale juice.
Blow dried mushroom Huo, drenched the Gorgon euryale juice that just got ready, namely succeeded.

2007-03-11 16:02:54 補充:
Tofu with Three Flavored PrawnsPrawn, shelled - 150 gDried prawn - 16 pcsGinger (shredded) - 2 slicesFried prawn roe - 2 tsps
2007-03-11 11:56 pm
1.叉燒包 barbecur pork buns
2.蝦 shrimp

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