初中I.S. - Electricity(2)(過來睇睇啦!!)

2007-03-11 6:59 pm

B.The electric current in a parallel circuit:
1.Do the bulbs have the same brightness? Why?
2.If the electric current in branch No.1 (A2) is 0.1A,what will be the electric current in branch No.2 (A3)?
3.Can you guess the electric current in the main loop (A1)?
4.What conclusion can you draw about the electric current in the main loop and the electric current in all branches?Can you make a formula using A1,A2 & A3?

回答 (1)

2007-03-11 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the qes is not enough information, we should know the wattage of the blubs, or is it the two blubs the same

2007-03-11 11:34:39 補充:
if the two bulbs are the same.1. the brightness are same, because they are connected in parallel, they have the same voltage.2. the current also 0.1A. because the voltage and the resistance are same.3. it is 0.2A, branch no.1 current branch no.2 current4. A1=A2 A3

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