會計問題(about income statement)

2007-03-11 4:02 pm
Tell whether each of the following accounts is part of net sales, cost of goods sold, operating expenses,other revenues and expenses, or is not on the income statement.

1 delivery expense
2 unearned revenue
3 sales returns and allowances
4 cost of goods sold
5 depreciation expense
7 investment income
8 withdrawals

以上應用在condensed financial statements


我不太明白1至3的答案,到底是net sales, cost of goods sold, operating expenses,other revenues and expenses, or is not on the income statement.


我不是要第7題,你睇錯了,我係要第3題!!! 另外你所講的第2題是什麼東東???我係要知 ( unearned revenue ),不是以下那答案...... 2)unrealized income,有兩個conditions,如果係unrealized profit就唔應該入income statement。如果只係accural income 就係operating income。

回答 (2)

2007-03-12 12:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)delivery expense
It is no doubt that Delivery expenses is a item inside 'selling & distribution expenses' because it helps the delivery of good sold.

2)unearned revenue
Unearned income have two explanation, one is UNREALIZED PROFIT, the other one is ACCURAL INCOME.
If it is unrealized profit, based on the accounting cconcept'Prudence',unrealized income should not be treated as income because income of the company should not be overstated.
If it is accural income which the payment not yet finished but the debtors already agree to bear the liability, it can then be treated as income in the income statement.

3)sales returns and allowances
Sales return is return inwards which should be deducted in the amount of sales, so it is part of net sales.
Allowances can be divided into two different thing, one is Cash Discount allowance, and the other is Trade discount allowance.
Cash Dicount is a type of 'Selling & Distribution expenses' but the trade discount must be deducted from the amount of sales.

4)Cost of Good Sold
Then it is cost of good sold=.=

5)Depreciation expenses
It normally treated as Adminstrative expenses.

7)Investment income
It is revenue.

It is not item in income statement.

2007-03-11 16:34:28 補充:

2007-03-12 14:06:07 補充:
1的delivery expenses提過的selling & distribution expenses係即係operating expenses.3同樣道理。7)investment income係other revenue。

2007-03-12 14:09:23 補充:
2)unrealized income,有兩個conditions,如果係unrealized profit就唔應該入income statement。如果只係accural income 就係operating income。

2007-03-19 22:28:30 補充:
2008-09-22 1:55 am
The website can help you.
www.money128.biz and www.fast-beauty.6289.us

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 18:00:19
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