supra na 1995

2007-03-11 11:03 am
i would like to buy a supra na (non-turbo) 1995. As i never bought any car in Hong Kong. I would like to know if it is a good idea? If this car still able to get the licences?- this car is over 10 years old from now...
and also, can any one tell me that as this supra is an automatic car, about how much will i spend if i want to convert it as a manual?

Any problem of this car in Hong Kong? and why most of the supra in Hong Kong are non-turbo and automatic?...

thank you

回答 (1)

2007-03-15 9:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Supra itself is a very good car. If you like FR sport car, it is a good choice, all patrol cars over 7 years old need to do annual inspection, if the condition is good, then you will receive a certificate, you need this certificate to renew licences.
5 speed manual conversion will cost you around HK$10,000.
6 speed manual conversion will cost you around HK$17,000.
A 6 speed MT with Turbo engine (front cut) will cost you over $30,000 + $5,000 labour
Toyota ia very reliable and durable, not much problem report on Supra.
All M/T Supra will sold very quick, and thats why most of the selling supra in Hong Kong are non-turbo and automatic.
Watch this video and you will know why most of the FR sport car is so popular and price is raising (non-turbo + automatic Supra is not a real sport car)

2007-03-15 01:43:48 補充:
You are welcome to make comment on the video that I took,This is another video that I took on our drift even, there is a RED NA MT Supra praticing.

2007-03-18 03:20:37 補充:
do you have a link ?

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