
2007-03-11 10:39 am
本人接近30 ,但仍一事無成,只怪自己少時不努力和做人冇目標,現雖有心力去發奮,并有志投身護士行列,但有幾個疑問,希望大家可以為我解笞!
1. 30報登記護士課程會否太晚?
2. 本人會考只有2分,是否收取機會很微?
3. 如果讀過物 理 治 療 助 理 訓 練 課 程再報登記護士課程,收取機會會增加嗎?

回答 (2)

2007-03-11 10:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
in fact it really have a bit late.
since nursing need to spend lots of years to study ga.
and also according with ur ce result is not really gd, for this occupation,
the basic english language must be gd since most of the professional terms
is difficult.

in return, if u really wanna contribute in this carees, u can tried it then.
otherwise i afraid u will 後悔 in the furture.

如果讀過物 理 治 療 助 理 訓 練 課 程再報登記護士課程, i think this will have a
benifit for u to easy d study or learn lor.
i am also not sure will increase ur opportunity or not.

anyway, gd luck guy~
2007-03-15 5:13 am

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