關於麥Marco Polo Hotels intenship interview

2007-03-11 9:51 am
本人即將(最快3月尾)要去Marco Polo Hotels( HK, Prince, Gateway) 為10-weel placement interview,只知佢係 group interview
咁我即係要prepare 3間hotels 的 information

or 對group interview有豐富經驗也可share下,esp如何在云云眾人中突出自己?

那HK, Gateway是否Trainning不錯?

回答 (1)

2007-03-17 7:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
first interview - one to one interview with human resources officer
second interview - with the department head

questions depend on which department you applied for, questions are mainly as follow:
1. Introduce yourself
2. Why you are interested in the department you applied for
3. What do you know about the nature of the department
4. What do you know about the hotel and the hotel group
5. If you can further develop in the department you applied for, which section you are mostly interested in & why
5. Mention 3 of your strength and weakness
6. Prepare some questions that you would like to ask
參考: Personal experience

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