what dose it mean?

2007-03-11 6:01 am
They squibble an squabble and drive everyone bananas.

回答 (2)

2007-03-11 7:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Squibble = a combination of squabble (”to engage in a disagreeable argument, usually over a trivial matter”) and quibble (”to evade the truth or importance of an issue by raising trivial distinctions and objections”) (Dictionary.com).

Squabble = petty quarrel

To drive someone bananas = means to drive someone mad (angry).


So, "They squibble and squabble and drive everyone bananas" could mean:

...They argue and quarrel on trvial things and make everyone very annoyed.

2007-03-10 23:16:13 補充:
They argue and quarrel on trivial* things and make everyone very annoyed. (correcting the wrong spelling of "trvial" earlier);trivial=petty=small
參考: dictionary.com
2007-03-11 7:38 am

squabble: noisy quarrel over sth trivial
drive someone bananas: make someone crazy

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