
2007-03-11 4:00 am



回答 (2)

2007-03-11 8:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
我可以同你分享下我晌航空公司做左幾年既經驗.. 學歷其實都幾緊要.. 雖然話就話minimum requirement係中五.. 但係好多而家做緊既同事都係大學畢業.. 因為人工比較理想.... 所以如果學歷到中五既話, 機會可能就微少少.. 如果你有機會既話, 你一路讀上去... 萬一你有一日唔鐘意做機場都容易d轉行嘛....
高, 就唔一定好高.. 唔洗好似空姐咁要掂到某個位置.. 靚都唔洗好靚... (有d同事都唔高唔靚, 哈哈..) 不過我想話定比你知, 呢份工你要有個心理準備會好辛苦... 因為返shift既關係, 人地返office 朝9晚5, 你可能要半夜3點幾起身, 4點鐘落巴士站搭通宵巴士返工... 人地平安夜出去玩, 你就要返工.... 因為紅日未必有得放假... 雖然我唔係做地勤, 但係我晌office度返工都要返shift.. 我試過由12月24號返到1月1號... 晚晚返夜.. 咩節目都無晒啦..... 所以你要有個心理準備..
講真, 晌機場返工真係幾好玩.. 好有挑戰性... 我試過香港天氣好差果日, 咩機都停晒唔比飛果日... 好亂, 個個都做到嗌交... 但係經過我地既努力, 自己有份參與一d meeting, 去決定邊隻機開先, 邊隻開遲d, 邊隻cancel... 自己有份做呢個決定.. 出到去, 睇住一隻隻機開返.. 好有滿足咁.. 雖然幾日無返屋企, 但係一d都唔覺得累.. 呢d經歷晌其他行業係好難搵到..
最緊要係自己既語文能力好, 中文/英文/國語, 樣樣都ok既話, 唔難入架.. 入到去有training比你.. 初頭果3個月有supervisor帶住你做... 其實航空公司入面有好多得意既position.. 有d負責做 roster比機師, 有d負責做crew 既admin.. 好多好多....
2007-03-11 4:46 am
There are far more work opportunities than just ground handling staff at the airport... Depending on your preference, qualification and experience... There are actually quite a fair amount of jobs which you can apply for at the Hong Kong... And also depending on your interest as well...
Are you planning to do more customer services field? Or are you planning to do more office work?
I can point out a few opportunities here for you... To work as a ground staff, you only need the minimum qualification of F.5... Because what you are after is a more customer sevices field... It would always be a big plus if you have got good communication skills... And they always look for people who are friendly rather than more acadamic ability...
Apart from ground staff, you can also apply for the Airport Authority Officier position which doesnt necessary require much qualification but would require you a good English/Cantonese skill while Mandrian is an advantage...
For F.5 and F.7 application, you can happily apply those job without problem... And for the ground handling, the intake is more concentrated on you friendness while for the officier, it is more concentrated on your ability...
If you have finished a degree, you can apply for Airport Authority's Management Traineer programme which give you 2 year of management experience in the field... However, this job will require you a good degree and also interested in aviation... Of course, if your preformance is good in the programme, there is a high chance that they will take you on a longer contract as a supervior or something...
If you are really that interested in aviation field and willing you work at the airport... There are many more opportunities than you think there is... And my best advice is you decide now where you want to stop your education F5? F7? or degree? Then you start looking at the job opportunities at comparies that require dealing with airport and pick on the job type that you like and work towards it...
And you can always have a look at website like www.hkairport.org / www.cathaypacific.com who are the major employers at Hong Kong airport and do have quite a large amount of job opportunities through out the year... And also in this website: http://www.hongkongairport.com/eng/tbu/airInfo_handling.htm it has a list of handling agency at Hong Kong Airport where you can also find out their website and have a look at their requirement...
Also, if you are hoping to work in the services industry at Airport... I would suggest you to at least get a good result in both Chinese and English on HKCEE and also having a third language would be an advantage (Mandrian could be most preferred at this time)...

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