
2007-03-11 3:39 am
我見好多女仔刀系着1條;中窄腳褲 {姐系條窄腳褲長到去失頭到}

回答 (7)

2007-03-11 4:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
我覺得高爭好睇D!!! 因為襯HIGH HEELS會睇落對腳SLIM同幼好多!! =]
參考: 我係咁襯=V=
2007-03-17 3:41 am

因為睇落個人會高d,,隻腳會slim d!*
除非你夠高la..咁平底會好d ~
不過會young d lor~
參考: ME=]........
2007-03-11 11:34 am
whatever u like is ok.....
since it also need to depends on how u mic and match yourself.

except those of the 2 types of shoes, u can also choose boot to wear.
especially ankle boot.

if u still dunno how to mix and match, u can go and search and learn fr others.
參考: myself+www.she.com
2007-03-11 6:10 am
高爭既尖頭鞋 is more dressed up, like if u r going for dinner.
but if u r going out during the day i would choose 平低ge尖頭鞋. it would look cute and more casual.
2007-03-11 3:53 am
參考: me
2007-03-11 3:45 am
參考: 自己..
2007-03-11 3:43 am
參考: 我

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