✔ 最佳答案
想入藉英國, 有好幾個辦法, 但唔容易亦要長時間先apply到, 更可況條例越收越narrow:
1. 係英國居住夠十年 (期間每次離境唔可以多過三個月, 即90日), 你就可能apply for 個居留, 攞到indefinite stay permit之後嘅一年(仍然住係英國啦), 就可能apply入藉 (不過好似要考試)... 聽聞遲d連indefinite stay permit都要考試... btw, indefinite stay permit at least 要500pounds (即日做到). 如果你搵雇問公司幫你做, 仲會收錢, roughly another 500 quid, 你自己亦要有齊十年內你係邊間school study, full time student or not.
2. apply for work permit (a work permit only allow you to live and work in the country for 5 years. The terms is that you have to be working within the same company. If you leave the company which you have on the work permit, you could not use it for any other company in the country, you have to apply for another one.) After 5 years, you are allow to apply for 入藉
仲有其他方法, 不過我唔係太清楚, 所以唔想亂咁俾料你
A: 無可能. 唔係每一間公司咁容易話幫你做work permit, work permit要錢做, 而且公司請得你, 你因咩唔去返工?!?!
如果是做part-time 又會怎樣?
A: 你指咩點??? 你讀緊書嘅就緊係攞住STUDENT VISA啦, student visa only allows you to work part time, max 20 - 2? hours per WEEK. It says clearly on your student visa.
Student Visa 做part time唔駛work permit
參考: 我已經係年頭apply咗 indefinite stay permit... 我係英國讀咗十年, 仲做working full time