That speech is just spoken from someone knows nothing about photography and has no Artistic mind! He never understands what the theme that picture is showing. Say for a 建築物, you can express uncountable meanings (Art, Life etc...) via photography. I have several albums maybe you can have a look if you don't mind (Any critisms are highly welcome...I have too much spaces for improvement)....
As Ivan said: 呢o的好主觀. 好似一幅畫冇可能全世界人都讚好. For me, what I really want to show is: 意景深既相可以令人望住, 開始諗野, 開始有幻想......
要個景物好, 拿部好相機再禁快門掣, 就算無技術既人影出來張相都唔差得去邊...... is correct if you just need an ordinary and unsurprising scenic pictures. But if you want some pictures that are really impressive, comfortable and stunning; you need to compose and this is what skill means (A combination of exposure, composition, angle, light, mood).....Some exposures are under or over because sometimes unusual exposures can express special mood....
My advice is if you really care about photography, work hard and "Think" before you press the shutter. Besides...if you've taken some bad pictures, look at them carefully and think what you haven't done right and why the theme coulldn't be expressed. Learn from failures.