嶺南大學 是否要上體育課?

2007-03-11 2:08 am
我想知嶺南大學 有冇體育課上啊??

回答 (1)

2007-03-11 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am a Lingnan graduate and hope that I can answer you questions la~

at Lingnan, they are compulsory need student to take a course call "Integrated Learning Program (ILP)", students need to fullfil their requirement and can graduate, one of these program is PE, you can take some PE courses but not compulsory to take swimming ge, you can take other sports such as badminton, squash, tennis and so on~

so no need to worry about this, it is not so difficult to fullfil ge~

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