
2007-03-11 12:44 am
第一樣:唔該help me write the heathly tips (8 tips )

4 tips is good heathly tips and 4 tips is bad heathly tips

回答 (2)

2007-03-11 12:55 am
2007-03-11 12:50 am
The rice,bread,noodles and biscuit can helps we body good and give you energy. So,we need to eat plenty of rice,bread,noodles and biscuit. The fruit and vegetables can help we body good and keep we healthy. So,we also need to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. The meat,fish,milk and cheese can helps we body grow strong. But they can also make we body fat. So, we need to eat a little meat,fish,milk and cheese. The water can helps we body work better. So,we need to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water day. The sweets food, salty food and fatty food make we body fat. So, We need to eat a little sweets food, salty food and fatty food.
參考: 自己

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