
2007-03-10 8:08 pm


回答 (2)

2007-03-11 3:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 影響金屬價格的因素:
a. 生產成本 - 如 extraction cost
b. 需求 - 若用途多, 需求大, 價錢會相對提昇
c. 供應 - 若金屬只在某些地方出產, 或有壟斷供應的情況, 那供應商可能會抬高價錢/控制產量, 令價錢升高.
d. 其他影響自由市場機制的因素, 如關稅, 出入口管制等會令價格上昇, 政府津貼則會令價格下降.

2. 因為金在是一種不活潑的金屬, 在自然環境中能以元素的形態出現, 所以容易被發現, 亦容易提取.
2007-03-10 8:15 pm
Simply speaking, the price of metal is affected by demand and supply. Abundant metal is cheaper than rare one. Because gold is stable, not in form of compund, it can be easily extracted from ore. Thus, it was discovered very early by human.

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