
2007-03-10 7:12 pm
懷孕12周,在健康院檢查、驗血,發現有少少梅毒陽性反應,轉介往衛生署診所再抽血化驗,結果同先前一樣,但醫生的答案很奇怪,他告訴我驗出(好似)有少少問题(梅毒陽性反應),有就有,無就無,為何說(好似),同時間;我俩夫婦一齊去私人化驗所,抽血化驗梅毒抗體(VDRL),結果是(Non-reactive)陰性反應,而且長久以來,我俩身體並沒有不尋常,但我小時候曾經患過肺結核,不知道會不會對化驗結果有影響,做成所謂假陽性,真的很擔心,後來我告訴衛生署醫生,我俩夫婦在私人化驗所的驗血佈告,衛生署醫生考慮了15分鍾,期間更翻查書本,決定又再驗血,這是第3次(未計私人化驗所),結果要4星期後才出來,到時BB已20周,到時才治療會否太遲呢?真的很擔心! 有誰可以幫幫忙,解答我以上的提問,Thx!

回答 (1)

2007-03-11 8:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
this is a well know problem in medical science
VDRL/RPR is a screening test, false positive is common in pregnant women!
It is recommended that a confirmatory test (like FTA, TPHA etc) can be done.
when I still studying, a case had been shared (of QMH).
there was a mother, like you, positive in VDRL.. and even weakly positive in FTA
but she want the baby, and she and her husband are both below to the low risk group
there is no evident that either of then had contacted the disease..
so.. tests repeated still weakly positive!
but finally, the baby was born in perfect health
and after delivery, all test result of mother became negative!
so dont worry!

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