熄機後出現C000021a Hard error

2007-03-10 6:43 pm
部腦是用Window XP Home Edition, 用正常關閉方法熄機。但load 完設定後, 畫面變藍用出句C000021a Hard Error咁上下一句。要手按先可以熄機。乜事? 點整? Thank you !!

回答 (1)

2007-03-12 8:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This look like an Virus or spyware infection, that add extra *.sys driver file in your system32\drivers directory ...
please boot in SAFE MODE (F8) to clean up the sys file that does not belong there...
you can also boot with SAFE MODE WITH NETWORKING and download a copy of AVAST! antivirus home edition for free, and clean it up by install and reboot in safe mode ...
hope all helps

2007-03-20 04:28:06 補充:
JAVA should not have problem with Windows XP o, JVM of Windows itself maybe the problem :)

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