
2007-03-10 6:32 pm

回答 (9)

2007-03-10 6:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Pimp 唔啱 - 男妓係用自已身体賣$, 但 pimp 係依靠妓女賺$為職業, 所以 pimp = 香港俗稱嘅馬伕!!
From Cambridge Dictionary:
noun [C]
a man who controls prostitutes, especially by finding customers for them, and takes some of the money that they earn.
男妓正確英文係 male prostitute 或 gigolo.
Hope this helps :)

2007-03-10 10:57:44 補充:
男妓其實仲有好多叫法, 接男客同女客嘅又唔同... Male prostitute 係最 formal 嘅叫法, 適合寫文章或研究論文時用.

2007-03-10 11:06:06 補充:
Gigolo 似係俗語多啲而且解法亦唔統一...

2007-03-10 11:06:30 補充:
Cambridge Dictionary 嘅解法:A man who is paid by a woman to be her lover and companion (呢度冇講明有包括性交易, lover 同 companion 呢兩個字有啲含糊).American Heritage Dictionary 嘅解法: A man who has a continuing sexual relationship with and receives financial support from a woman (呢度講到明有包括性交易)

2007-03-10 11:09:36 補充:
所以要睇吓男妓本身個 definition 係乜喇.
2007-03-10 9:02 pm
Male prostitute
2007-03-10 7:17 pm
pimp/Male prostitute/gigolo
2007-03-10 7:05 pm

n1. (男)妓院老板;拉皮條者;男妓
2. 壞蛋
1. 拉皮條
2007-03-10 7:00 pm
2007-03-10 7:00 pm
2007-03-10 6:37 pm

1. (男)妓院老板;拉皮條者;男妓
2. 壞蛋
1. 拉皮條
2007-03-10 6:34 pm

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