中文回答 : 搭飛機注意事項

2007-03-10 5:55 pm
去澳洲, holland, uk同usa有咩唔可以bring上機(請逐個逐個地方point form)

仲有上左機後可唔可以映相, 用psp, pda, nds, game boy個d...


毛公仔可以bring ma?


回答 (2)

2007-03-10 6:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 個個國家都吾可以帶違禁品, 榴槤

2. 起飛後當機師話可以除安全帶時便可用 ( 坐位上有指示燈 當熄左)psp, pda, nds, game boy

3. 最好帶頸枕, 通常上飛機後空姐會派襪, 你可以換左佢會好d

4. 毛公仔可以
2007-03-11 12:20 am
1) All the countries are the same... Soon with the new regulation at Hong Kong, you are not allow to bring liquid of over 100mg per item and 1 litre in total... Also all the sharp items are forbidden as you are not premitted to bring sharp item or over 1 litre of liquid through custom... However, for liquid, you can bring those which you bought after security check at duty free in the restricted area... And all countries (except USA) allow you to bring liquid onboard all flights from Hong Kong... But on flights to USA, you will not allow to bring any liquid as well...
2) No problem... But all electrical items cannot be used during take off and 15minutes after take off and before landing... At other time, electrical items like PSP/NDS/Camera/Game Boy are all OK... Phone ae not allowed although some will let you off if you switch it to flight mood...
3) Nothing too much to worry... But personally I would suggest you to bring a jacket as well... So in case the aircraft get too cold, you can wear the jacket... Most of the others like hand/face cream are avaliable in flight... And there are also tooth brush/tooth paste etc avaliable... So you wont really need to bring much onboard as well... Also have plenty to drink because the cabin could get pretty dry as well...
4) No problem as long as it is not too big in size... What I mean is not something as big as let say a baby... Although I did actually bring a teddy bear that was the size of a baby onboard, but I was really young and the check-in staff let me through, and block the seat next to me... But of course, not all the crew are like this and nice to let you through and get away with things...
5) Turbalance occur as the aircraft move into poor weather area... But on long-haul flights, turbalance are not too often as it is flying relatively high in the sky... However, expect turbalance or not really depend on the weather condition on the en-route of the flight... And most of the time, the pilot will know about poor weather in advance and would tend to avoid it to reduce the chance of turbalance, but of course when poor weather cover a big area... There is nothing that the pilot can do...
6) Not all airlines have Personal TV (PTV) fitted on their long-haul aircraft and you should look at the airlines website to check if PTV are avaliable...

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