
2007-03-10 9:07 am
polysaccharides 都係由好多 monosaccharide molecules 組成
點解monosaccharides 就soluble in water
but polysaccharides can't soluble in water???

回答 (2)

2007-03-10 9:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
因為monosaccharide ge polymer chain短
solubility 睇係頭同尾個兩個functional group(monosaccharides 係H同OH)可唔可以同水有bonding
polysaccharides條polymer太長,一條好長ge chain先得頭同尾兩個group可以同水bond
重有一點 polysaccharides唔係唔溶!
只不過溶ge proportion好少
polysaccharides係會form (celloid)---->唔記得係唔係咁串
參考: 一年前al bio 拎 C ge 自己
2007-03-10 9:11 am
i think is because the when monosaccharides become polysaccharides, the bond between them are strong or too big that the water molecules can't break them and take them away in order to dissolve it.

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