
2007-03-10 8:44 am
我今年29歲啦, 雖然個樣都仲似24,5咁, 想試下in空姐, 唔知國泰會唔會嫌我老呢? 我自信其他條件合乎佢地要求, 只係年齡方便有d擔心囉...希望去apply之前攞個意見, 麻煩幫幫忙解答下啦

回答 (4)

2007-03-16 9:07 pm
Let us know when you are hired. Best Wishes!
2007-03-13 5:42 am
國泰ok ga, they depend on your performance in the interview, even u are a bit old, they accept that because their limitation is 3X years old........
just reminds u other airline may see u too old, so if u try others, I think..........
for cx, u can go ahead, but u need to show your great smile, helpful, sincere, can provide good customer service.....
參考: 我in 過好多次la
2007-03-10 3:59 pm
29歲 國泰唔會嫌你老! Don't worry!
2007-03-10 8:51 am
29years old difficult to be chosen, cos many quit when less than 40years old, not cost efficient to train you.
I have also tried to apply when i am 23, but now 27 also think too old.
個樣都仲似24,5咁 not too important, they stress on smile happily, english / putonghua level...........
you may apply but prepare to loss

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