π=0??(a question about e, i and π)

2007-03-10 8:20 am
Today I saw a beautiful equation e^(πi)=-1
I have already known the prove, however I find something strange, after squaring both sides, the equation becomes e^(2πi)=1 , if we take natural log of both sides, it becomes 2πi=0, that means π=0!!
Any mistake on the above steps? If yes, what is the mistake? If no, why π=0?
e=2.7182818...... , π=3.141592...... , i=sqrt(-1)

回答 (3)

2007-03-13 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
This contradictory result is due to the misunderstanding of the definition of natural logarithm for complex numbers.

Note that for natural logarithm of a complex number z, it is no longer a single-valued function, but a multi-valued function instead.

For any non-zero complex number z, the natural logarithm of z, denoted by Log(z), is the inverse of exponential function, i.e., e^[Log(z)] = z.
Note that by Euler formula, z = re^[i(2nπ + θ)], where r and θ are real numbers with r positive, and n integer.
Therefore e^[Log(z)] = re^[i(2nπ + θ)] = e^[ln(r) + i(2nπ + θ)], i.e., Log(z) = ln(r) + i(2nπ + θ), here ln denotes the natural logarithm for positive numbers.

This leads to the following definition for natural logarithm of complex numbers:

The natural logarithm of a non-zero complex number z, denoted by Log(z), is defined by
  Log(z) = ln(|z|) + i[2nπ + arg(z)],
where |z| and arg(z) denote the modulus and the principal value of argument of z respectively.

Here comes back to your original problem.
From e^(2πi) = 1, taking natural logarithm on both sides,
ln[e^(2πi)] = 2nπi = ln(1), which no longer shows contradiction.
2007-03-10 9:27 am



2007-03-11 19:31:09 補充:
參考: 自己
2007-03-10 8:25 am
從那個proof 來說, 計算上可能無問題, 但係答案就極有問題, 而我的數學老師仍在苦思中!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!下刪3000千字

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