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Shelties are WONDERFUL!
%%%First of all check out three books from the library about dogs and dog training. When talking with your mom, just bring up casually something that you just learned from the books.
%%%Ask her if you can volunteer at your local shelter to help dogs, and learn more. (most shelters have a petting room, or a dog walking program, and need volunteers to just give animals attention)
%%%Study the books about choosing the right breed for your family, and comment on this often to her.
%%%Ask if you can give a dog from the shelter foster care for a week to see how a dogs fits in your family
%%%Do ALL chores as soon as asked
%%% Keep your room clean, and show that you are growing up and accepting responsibility.
but you need to remember that dogs live to be 12-16 years old, and you can't know where you will be by that time.
.Dogs don't stay puppies very long, and taking care of an old dog is expensive and time consuming...so who will be there for the dog?? Most likely the duty will be left for your mom.
also, during the weeks of potty training, it is Mom's furniture and flooring that will be ruined..and her table legs that will be chewed..
It will never work if she doesn't want the dog in the first place...
If you can do all of the above, and let your mom know how much you understand all of the problems that come with a dog, she may be willing to consent....but, you really do need to consider her feelings and wishes.