Cardio exercise?

2007-03-09 9:07 am
Is it better to jump rope for 20minutes everyday or every other day?

回答 (8)

2007-03-09 9:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
20 minutes of cardio per day is recommended when you lift weights. If it is your rest day, you can do up to 40 minutes cardio. It depends if you body can handle it.
參考: personal opinion
2007-03-09 5:11 pm
cardio isn't like lifting weights u can do them everyday the more the better
2007-03-09 5:10 pm
you need 45 mins of cardio a day,
2007-03-09 11:29 pm
If you go on a cardio machine for 60 minutes a day, you're at less risk for a heart attack, and other health defects AND you burn 600 calories (on average). This helps you in the short run and in the long run -- you look great, loose weight and get become more healthy.

This is better than skipping rope for 20 minutes everyday.
參考: I go to the gym a lot.
2007-03-09 9:33 pm
20 minutes every day of aerobic exercise is a bare MINIMUM for cardiovascular health.
2007-03-09 5:20 pm
If you have a cardiac problem, are an older person such as 35 and up or you have not exercised for a very long time, then you should ask your doctor.

If you do exercise often, young and in good health I think you should build yourself up every day little by little till you reach the 20 minuets.. Your heart rate will tell you, as you exercise how long should jump rope.
2007-03-09 5:19 pm
20 minutes everyday is best .

An average person burns 277.83 calories during 20 minutes of Jumping Rope.

Thats impressive compared to most other cardio exercises.
2007-03-09 5:10 pm
Dont jump rope for 20 minutes just do 100 jumps everyday.. Keeps you fit.. and if you can do 20 Push up's as well... Keeps you ever fitter!

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