harry potter!大約內容~十萬火急ar~急!!急!!!(20dim)

2007-03-10 6:50 am
harry potter!大約內容~十萬火急ar~急!!急!!!(20dim)
Harry Potter book個d內容1~4BooK!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-03-10 9:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Harry Potter is a series of advanture book which abouts a boy called Harry.Harry was a normal boy living with his aunt and uncle, who treat him very badly. They told Harry that his parents were dead in an accident when he was still a baby. On Harry's 12 birthday,he received a letter from a famous school in the magic world. And then he was invited to study in that school . A series of advantages then happened on Harry. He keep fighting with the devil in the magic world along with the support of his friends.

哈利波特是一系列有關一個男孩叫做哈利的探險小說. 哈利自小在姑媽家長大, 姑媽一家人都對他很壞. 他們告訴哈利, 說在哈利还很小的時候,哈利的父母因車禍去世了. 哈利12歲生日那天, 他突然收到一封來自魔法世界的信, 信是由魔法世界的名校發出的, 邀請哈利前往就讀. 一連串不可思議的事接連不斷的發生, 在好友的支持下, 他勇敢的面對魔法世界中的大惡魔, 決不向惡勢力低頭, 誓要與惡魔對抗到底......
2007-03-10 7:06 am

harry potter is written by j.k. rowling.this is talking about harry potter suddenly be a student of magic school,he then always go to adventure with his friends,very excited,its good for your reading.

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