Usage (有選擇)

2007-03-10 3:02 am
It also Q1. __________ them a chance to put what they have learned into practice.
Thirty-eight secondary schools took part in the fourth Inter-school Competition of Study Projects on Hong Kong's History and Culture, which was launched in October Q2. __________ year.
The participants submitted reports on the theme "Social Organisations and the Development of Hong Kong".

回答 (2)

2007-03-10 3:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q.1 gave
Q2 last
Q3. their
Q4. groups
2007-03-10 3:07 am
1) gave
(as the passage is about something had occured, and by the verbs used, past tense should be used.)

2) last year (because of verb)

3) their (it is talking about the benefits for the students)

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