world records

2007-03-10 2:33 am
The tallest snowman
when was it built?
where was it?
how tall was it?

The longest lesson
how many students were there in that lesson?
how long was the lesson?
what was the teacher's name?
what was the subject of the lesson

The smallest wasit
what was her name?
how many incles was her waist?
what was her nationality/

Largest baech towel
the date
the size

回答 (3)

2007-03-10 11:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The tallest snowman was built on 30st December,1999
It was in Italy
It was 31 m high.

The smallest waist
her name is Cathie Jung
Her waist was 38.1cm
Her nationality was the USA.

2007-03-10 19:05:49 補充:
There were 60 students in the longest lesson.The lesson was 73hours 24 mins.The teacher's name was Sanjay Kumar Sinha.The subject was English grammar.

2007-03-10 19:29:46 補充:
where on Hermosa 28th June, 2006size 131 feet by 78 feet.
2007-03-12 12:20 am
= ='' 咁你呢..睇你肯定係Ricky la ^^...成班1B..kaka....

2007-03-11 16:23:30 補充:

2007-03-11 16:27:22 補充:
不過我唔明size 131 feet by 78 feet.點解哦
參考: me
2007-03-11 4:09 am
我想問下你兩個係唔係Shirley Lam & Annie Chin?

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