How to go Macau spend cheaper?

2007-03-10 1:40 am
My family want to go to Macau in Easter Holiday. Please advise how to spend cheaper that include fare, hotel,route and expense. We are have 4 perons(2adult & 2child). If we go Macau on before 5April or after 9April, Is fare cheaper than public holiday(means red days) ? Please give me suggestion. Thanks.

回答 (2)

2007-03-14 8:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is sure that the cost will be higher on the public holiday.
So, if possible, please arrange your trip before 5 April OR after 9 April.
And weekdays, instead of weekend

1. Hotel
You may book a package including Hotel & ferry.
For normal date, it could be below $400 for the cheapest hotel.

You may try:
- China Travel
- HYFCO Travel

2. Route
Actually, you can visit a lot of places that are free of charge, such as:
- 大三巴牌坊(聖保祿教堂)
- 炮台
- 白鴿巢公園
- 新馬路
- 媽閣廟
- 西望洋山

For more details, you may visit the following website:

3. Foods
You will have many choice for foods in Macau, and may at a cheap cost.
You may take your breakfast in the Hotel (if the package included),
lunch at some small restaurants at reasonable cost.
[suggestion : 新口岸, 新馬路,  仔官也街, etc.]

But for the dinner, shouldn't miss the chance for the Macau's disk.
The following restaurant is highly recommanded:

地址:澳門 仔孫逸仙大馬路

Not very expensive, it could be around $300-400 for your family.
2007-03-10 1:47 am
Go to 香港中國旅行社. In my experience, they have the most reasonable price. Also they have many packages there.

Here is their web site:

Have a nice trip~
參考: Me

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