文化遺產的資料 很急!

2007-03-09 11:59 pm

我想要文化遺產的資料(如:地方,傳說和故事) 要中文!!!!快速!!!!!!!!!

回答 (3)

2007-03-10 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Outstanding Universal Value of "The Historic Centre of Macao"

“The Historic Centre of Macao” is the product of over 400 years of cultural exchange between the western world and Chinese civilization. The architectural heritage, predominantly European in nature, stands in the midst of traditional Chinese architecture in the historic settlement, providing contrast. “The Historic Centre of Macao” is the oldest, the most complete and consolidated array of European architectural legacy standing intact on Chinese territory.

“Gateway between East and West”
The settlement of Macao by Portuguese navigators, in the mid-16th century laid the basis for nearly five centuries of uninterrupted contact between East and West. The origins of Macao’s development into an international trading port make it the single most consistent example of cultural interchange between Europe and Asia. “The Historic Centre of Macao” coincides with the heart of the western settlement area, also known as the “Christian City” in history.
The emergence of Macao with its dual function as a gateway into China, and as Ming China’s window onto the world, reflected a relaxation of certain restrictions combined with a degree of open-mindedness that offered a creative way to supplement China’s vassal-state trading system and marked a turning point in the history of both China and Europe. Macao, as the West’s first established gateway into China, was remarkable in setting off a succession of connections and contacts that progressively enriched both civilisations across a huge range of human endeavour, both tangible and intangible, at a critical point in history.
For almost three centuries, until the colonisation of Hong Kong in 1842, Macao’s strategic location at the mouth of the Pearl River meant that it retained a unique position in the South China Sea, serving as the hub in a complex network of maritime trade that brought tremendous wealth and a constant flow of people into the enclave. People of different nationalities came, bringing their own cultural traditions and professions, permeating the life of the city as can been seen in both intangible and tangible influences. This is evident in the introduction of foreign building typologies such as western-style fortresses and architecture. Macao also inherited various cultural experiences and regional influences, further developing these in conjunction with the local Chinese culture and blending them to produce the rich texture seen in the city’s exceptional heritage. Exposure to diverse cultures in this lasting encounter between the eastern and western worlds has therefore benefited Macao in assimilating a rich array of cultural heritage.

Since the time the Portuguese first settled there, Macao has developed a visible dual culture which continues even now, and this cultural 補充時間:2006-07-23 18:17
accommodation is seen in the city’s history, administrative structures, as well as in physical features like architecture, gardens and public spaces. The legacy of this culture is evident in both tangible and intangible forms 補充時間:2006-07-23 18:17
some to be seen in the blending of architectural styles of many of the monuments, in religious tolerance, or in the cuisine unique to this city, itself a fusion of culinary traditions, reflective of different historical and geographical influences.
2007-03-10 12:05 am



  世界遺產委員會於1978年公佈第一批世界遺產名單以來,截至2006年10月止,《保護世界文化和自然遺產公約》的締約國已達183國家與地區,共有830處世界遺產地(World Heritage Sites)分佈在138個國家中。依其類型可分為文化遺產644項、自然遺產162項以及兼具兩者特性之複合遺產24項、以及2001年新增的類別「口述與無形人類遺產」。



  文化遺產並不只是狹義的建築物,而凡是與人類文化發展相關的事物皆可被認可為世界文化遺產。而依據《世界文化與自然遺產保護條約》第一條之定義文化遺產包含紀念物(monuments)、建築群(groups of buildings)與場所(sites)。紀念物指的是「建築作品、紀念性的雕塑作品與繪畫、具考古特質之元素或結構、碑銘、穴居地以及從歷史、藝術或科學的觀點來看,具有顯著普世價值(outstanding universal value)物件之組合」。建築群指的是「因為其建築特色、均質性、或者是於景觀中的位置,從歷史、藝術或科學的觀點來看,具有顯著普世價值之分散的或是連續的一群建築」。場所指的是「存有人造物或者兼有人造物與自然,並且從歷史、美學、民族學或人類學的觀點來看,具有顯著普世價值之地區」。文化遺產的數量截至2006年底共有644項,在四大類世界遺產中是數量最多的,其中又以歐洲佔有絕大多數。

埃及:孟斐斯及其陵墓–吉薩到達舒間的金字塔區 Memphis and its Necropolis - the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur
希臘:雅典衛城 Athens, Acropolis
西班牙:哥多華歷史中心 Historic Center of Cordoba
中國:北京天壇 Temple of Heaven: An Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing


( 1 ) 代表生命進化的紀錄、重要且持續的地質發展過程、具有意義的地形學或地文學特色等的地球歷史主要發展階段的顯著例子。
( 2 ) 在陸上、淡水、沿海及海洋生態系統及動植物群的演化與發展上,代表持續進行中的生態學及生物學過程的顯著例子。
( 3 ) 包含出色的自然美景與美學重要性的自然現象或地區。
 實際的例子來說包括了化石遺址(Fossil Site)、生物圈保存(Biosphere Reserves)、熱帶雨林(Tropical Forest)、與生態地理學地域(Biographical Regions)共160處。著名的世界自然遺產如:
中國:雲南保護區的三江並流 Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas
瑞士:少女峰 Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn
加拿大:加拿大洛磯山脈公園群 Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks
澳洲:大堡礁 The Great Barrier Reef





I hope I can HELP u la=]
2007-03-10 12:01 am


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[編輯] 有形文化遺產


[編輯] 無形文化遺產
根據聯合國教科文組織《保護非物質文化遺產公約》(Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage)的定義,是指「被各群體、團體、有時為個人視為其文化遺產的各種實踐、表演、表現形式、知識和技能及其有關的工具、實物、工藝品和文化場所。」

[編輯] 參見


頁面分類: 文化人類學 | 考古學 | 博物館 | 文化 | 世界文化遺產

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