
2007-03-09 10:43 pm

回答 (2)

2007-03-11 2:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實基本上呢只要你係中五五科合格或以上, 都可以apply做地勤啦!其實佢地既要求都唔會太高, 但當然想讀酒店就讀啦!始終讀多d書都對自己好d,因為你唔係只係為左做地勤,而且如果你真係以地勤為終身職業,不妨讀多幾年書,因為有得升職都會選擇你先, 除左學歷就當然你做野既表現良好同唔好成日做錯野同請咁多病假啦!! 做地勤流失率好高, 好多人都會因為辛苦而走....所以不妨享受吓呢幾年讀書既日子!!
參考: 前地勤人員及個人感受
2007-03-09 11:52 pm
Well... Since ground handling agency is a customer services job and that you will be facing different kind of passengers everyday...
So what personally suggest you to do is some customer services and tourist related subjects... And also it would be good if you could take time to study some foreign languages and also improve English levels... As those would be a very positive point for you when you will have a better position against other candidates...
Also, if your height meet Cathay Pacific limit for becoming a cabin crew, you can consider appling for Cathay Pacific where there are more internal opportunities where you can actually think of moving between departments...

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