
2007-03-09 9:00 pm
我易家係我姊夫公司做, 佢叫我幫手搵supplier, 同quote下面的price喔....係邊搵, 我連下面係咩都唔知....!!~~please hlp~~

- Brass case with PNP (Nickel Palladium plating),
- Brass case back with PNP,
- Brass stand with PNP (the stand is the support which allow the clock to stand itself on the table),
- Mineral double curve glass with I-ring,
- S/S (stainless Steel) crown without any cabochon (stone),
- POM tube (2x) for the stand,
- S/S loop (on the top of the crown),

回答 (2)

2007-03-09 9:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Brass case with PNP (Nickel Palladium plating),
銅殼白鋼色, 無鎳電鍍
Brass case back with PNP,
Brass stand with PNP (the stand is the support which allow the clock to stand itself on the table),
銅鐘仔腳, 電白鋼色
Mineral double curve glass with I-ring
雙鏡玻璃, 加 I ring (I ring 係附在鏡邊的小幼黑膠圈, 無得翻譯)
S/S (stainless Steel) crown without any cabochon (stone),
鋼按的, 沒有石仔
POM tube (2x) for the stand
(應該是把管, 不清楚)
S/S loop (on the top of the crown)
鋼 --- 唔知乜野, 正常 crown (的) 上面唔會再有野

要報價, 你要比圖人, 隻隻錶唔同, 淨係以上資料, 無人報到價.

另外, 你比以上英文間廠, 一般都識報. 係好手錶既名詞

不過, 你最好講埋:
1. 數量
2. 機心
3. 防水度數

Good luck.
參考: experience
2007-03-09 9:05 pm
你可以在黃頁 seach 一d 做鐘錶的廠 , 打相關字眼既字 就可以seach 到架啦 ,
記得 , 唔好找一d係trading , 因為 trading報比你既價 一定要係高d (中間人都要賺錢 )

當你找到 supplier 之外, send返 d 英文問佢報價, ,到時 ,如果佢有唔明 就會問返你

你記住問你間公司 , 要報幾多數量 ,

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