
2007-03-09 8:53 pm
本人已入籍美國, 但母親當年移民後即時回港, 並未留美生活。數年後曾持加拿大簽證經加拿大陸路入美境(當時其綠咭仍有效), 順利過關。
現其綠咭已過期7年, 但現又想再去美國參加婚禮。因移民局有其身份資料, 應不可做簽證。
我想請問一下, 現可否向美國移民局自動放棄綠咭權, 再以一般旅遊簽證過美國呢?
因續綠咭後每半年需要到美報到一次, 故我們不想替其續綠咭, 寧可放棄居美權。

回答 (3)

2007-03-11 8:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
I don't see any difficulties in getting back her alien status from you.

Honestly, I am a green card holder for almost 13 years, and I never stay in the State for most than 2 weeks each trip. and I only back to the State one every 2-3 years. I have renew my green 3 years ago in the State easily. no question being ask.

As you know, to get a travelling visa to the State is really depend on the immigration officer, under normal case, if she can proof that she go there to attend the wedding party and she also show them her expired green card, she should be okay to get the visa., if not, try again the next day, I don't see why the immigration will reject her.

But getting a visa , doen't mean you are guarantee that you will be able to entre the State as Custom Department is totally different, they can reject anyone with a valid visa, except you have green card or citizen). They can reject for no reason. I have experience once when I was having a business visa to go there for business many many years ago, they said I went there too many time??? and a friend of mine, her mother is European from UK, she was rejected to enter with no reason, even thought she book hotel in the state.

Is true that the custom is very tough after 911. But it's all depend on the custom officer. Don't worry, she should have problem in getting the L1 visa for sightseeing.
2007-03-09 9:10 pm
不需要担心綠咭已過期與否, 一於開開心心去美國參加婚禮, 據我所知美國移民局不會難為年過55歲以上人士的。 如果手持綠咭在入境美國時因某種原因被沒收, 亦可聘律師向移民局取回, 不過好似只有一次機會。 既然想放棄綠咭, 就不必担心那麼多, 要担心只有那些在美國境外又不想放棄綠咭的人!
2007-03-09 8:58 pm
Just talk to USA embassy, regarding the situation HONESTLY with them,
and they will give you the best advice ...
Don't think about it yourself, since you are not the INS and authority...
Policy is always changing after 911.
參考: stay in USA

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